Refund policy
At LePrestigeBox, we strive to make every transaction on our website as seamless as possible. We are committed to delivering our products with utmost care and adhering to the highest quality standards. As part of our policy, we do not accept returns for products that are delivered in perfect, undamaged condition. However, a product is eligible for return under the following circumstances:
Eligibility for Returns:
If you are eligible for a refund, the company will initiate the refund process within 1-2 business days.
refunds will take a maximum of 7 working days to be credited to your account, depending on the payment gateway.
Wrong Product Dispatched: If the product received does not match the item selected during order confirmation.
Quality or Manufacturing Defect: If a defect in quality or manufacturing is identified in the product received.
Damaged Product: If the product is received in a damaged condition.
In any of the above cases, if the product is wrongfully delivered (i.e., it does not match the item in the order confirmation) or if it has a genuine quality or manufacturing defect, we offer you the following options:
Time Frame for Returns at Le Prestige
For items purchased at Le Prestige as part of the Gifting Brand, the return window is 14 to 30 days from the date of purchase.
Full Refund: A full refund of the order amount.
Re-Fulfillment: Re-shipment of the correct product.
For any assistance, please contact us at
Bulk Corporate Order
Delight your employees & all business associates with personalized gifts made especially for them.